It's Good to Be The Queen:The Art of Standing in Your Sovereignty

from $58.00

A Self-Paced Multi-sensory Journey for Wise Women ready to claim your throne, stand in your sovereignty, know yourselves deeply, and non-negotiably trust your own Inner Wisdom. This is a journey of Inner Power, loving and embracing all the parts of yourself, making impact, and empowering others. This journey is for women who have a deep desire to know themselves more deeply at a soul level.

For women who enjoy tapping into both intuitive and intellectual wisdom(as well as their creative genius), and who desire to know and love both their shadow and light, and who wish to illuminate that which they cannot see and be a witness to their own Inner Wisdom and Power, and most importantly claim it, and utilize to make aligned life choices and take aligned, empowered actions.

In this course we will be walking the path home to ourselves looking at ourselves through the lens of the Queen archetype, in both her light and her shadow qualities. Because who represents Sovereignty more than the Queen? We will be working with four different aspects of the Queen and her light and shadow qualities. We are all born Divine Sovereign Queens, but many of us have forgotten that. This is a journey of re-membrance, returning and reclaiming your power, inner wisdom and above all joy. Of returning home to our Inner Castles and tending our sacred flames so we can walk with more grace in the outer world.

This is a virtual offering, presented in 6 self-paced modules, with an option to work with me 1:1 (pricing is for 3 sessions) for deeper reflection, teachings and specific practices customized for your unique journey and expression of your Queen.
I am inviting you:

1. To go on a journey more deeply into your Inner Self, learning more about who you are through the Wisdom of the Queen, creative prompts, journalling practices, and practices that will shift your day to day life.

2. Give and receive deep wisdom, access your inner guidance system and step more fully into who you are at a soul level.

3. Have fun with experiential and mixed-media creative and journalling practices that embody all of your stories (known and unknown) and write the stories of the life you want to live. NO ART EXPERIENCE REQUIRED!

4. Tap into your own imagination to learn new information about yourself and open to possibilities you have never dreamed of.

5. Learn about archetypes and how they shape us as individuals and how they connect us more deeply with others through shared story and compassion. Through this knowledge we are able to empower ourselves and others. Through this wisdom we are also more able to look at our lives as symbolic and through patterns that have evolved over time, which enables us to step out of “victim” mode.

 6. By the end of this journey you will have made new discoveries about yourself, and if you work with the practices you will consistently make more aligned choices in your relationships, your personal life, your work, your physical, emotional and spiritual health. This is not a “30 day to xyz” journey it is a commitment to live an integrated and empowered life.

7. Receive tools to recognize when you are leaking power, feeling out of alignment, or powerless and reclaim it before you become depleted, exhausted, or disempowered.

8. Step in and take radical responsibility for your life and your sovereignty and at the same time empower others to take radical responsibility for their lives.

Divine Details

. The course platform I will be using is Teachable and you will receive an email with access details upon registration, along with a welcome video and a supply list. (The only necessary supply is a Journey Circle™ kit which I will provide the link to order upon registration.)

Each week will have a Wisdom Teaching video, creative practices with prompts, journaling prompts, and Sovereignty practices to bring into your daily life. Some weeks will have additional bonus content, guided visualizations, and PDFs.

I have 3 scholarships available for BIPOC women who would like to take this journey with me. Please email to discuss the process.



Module 1 - Welcome/Intro/What is Self-Sovereignty
Module 2 - Archetypes/Meeting and Greeting Your Queen

Module 3 - Knowing and Loving Your Queen

Module 4-Recognizing and Reclaiming Power Leaks

Module 5- Taking Radical Responsibility for Your Life and Choices
Module 6 - Staying Aligned and Sovereignty As a Lifelong Practice

Workshop or Workshop + 1:1:
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